Here are links for Chrome OS devices support on AUE, Android Apps and Linux Apps.

AUE (Auto Update Expiration) / EOL (End of Life)

Chrome devices (e.g. Chromebook, Chromebox, Chromebase, Chromebit) receive automatic updates until it reaches its Auto Update Expiration (“AUE”). For a list of product and their Auto Update Expiration date, see

Android Apps Support

All devices that have launched in or after 2019 will support Android Apps.

The Chromebooks, Chromeboxes, and Chromebases that were launched before 2019 that are able to install Android apps are listed at

Linux (Crostini) Support

All devices launched in or after 2019 will support Linux (Beta).

The Chromebooks, Chromeboxes, and Chromebases launched before 2019 that support Linux (Beta) are listed at


Alternatively, check the supported boards:

And here is the list for devices that will never get Crostini:

Chrome OS Devices Table

Release, OEM, Model, Code name, Board name(s), Base board, User ABI, Kernel, Kernel ABI, Platform, Form Factor, First Release, EOL/AUE, USB Gadget, Closed Case Debugging: