s3_website deploys website to S3. It supports config selection via --config-dir CLI option, so you can have multiple s3_website.yml config files located in their own folders.

└── config
    ├── development
    │   └── s3_website.yml
    ├── production
    │   └── s3_website.yml
    └── staging
        └── s3_website.yml

In addition, if you prefer one central configuration, you may use ERB (Embedded Ruby) to achieve that.

For example, use execution tags (<% %>) of ERB:

<% if ENV['NODE_ENV'] == 'production' %>
s3_bucket: zzz.buzz
<% else %>
s3_bucket: test.zzz.buzz
<% end %>

or use expression tags (<%= %>):

s3_bucket: <%= ENV['S3_BUCKET'] %>